A message from Brother Lal, our lead discipler and steward of God's Kingdom in Lamka's refugee camps:
"Praise the Lord!!
By God's grace and His blessings to us through you all yesterday we come to the end of Tutorial Class for Academic Year 2024 - 2025. Our tutorial students will have a 1 month winter break February but will resume their tutoring classes in March.
Thank you so much and God bless you all."
Brother Lal has shared two video messages for you, our subscribers and supporters. The first is from Khaiminlen, a 10 year old student who attends tutoring classes 3x/week. Admittedly, this video is directed to me, but I think you'll appreciate it. (He's one of my very favorite students; don't tell anyone!)
The next is from a father in the refugee camp on behalf of all the parents, to all our donors who make this ministry possible.
Lal also shared a few pictures from the last session at the downtown relief camp.

Thanks to your support, our tutors are able to be paid during the month-long break from classes. This is highly meaningful for them; that kind of policy does not exist anywhere else in Lamka during this economic depression. Our tutors are refugees themselves, so what little we can offer them is truly appreciated. Each tutor receives a monthly salary of $35. During the month, they teach twelve 2-hour sessions. If you do the math...this is less than $1.50/hour. Your donations make this wage possible. This year, I'm hoping to gather enough supporters to double their income so they can start saving money to one day leave the refugee camp. Please consider offering a monthly recurring donation - even of just $5 - to aid this cause and bless these servants of God.
Galatians 6
9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. 10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.