How You Can Help
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7
Make a Donation!
Please consider making a recurring donation by selecting "monthly" below. Monthly gifts will enable First Peter Ministries to develop budgets for the work in Manipur, with the goal of expanding our ministry to more refugee camps. Of the 80+ camps in Lamka, our tutoring and discipleship classes are only reaching kids at four different locations. Even $5/month is hugely impactful to help our teams on the ground budget for future expansion. God bless you.
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How are your contributions allocated?
Currently our ministry serves the youth at four refugee camps, with ~250 kids receiving after-school tutoring three days per week, and 120 kids being bussed to discipleship class once weekly. To fully fund our ministry at its current size, the total monthly budget is just $850.00.*
Our goal, by the grace and power of God, is to reach every refugee child in Lamka. Your donations will help increase our budget so we can slowly expand to the other 76 unserved refugee camps.
*First Peter Ministries does not pay its American staff. All donations support ministry initiatives.