Supporting suffering Christian communities in Manipur and beyond

About Us
Our Mission
First Peter Ministries is committed to raising awareness of and providing essential support to Christian communities in Manipur facing displacement, oppression, and persecution. Through educational programs including tutoring and discipleship ministries, charitable outreach, relief initiatives, Bible camps, leadership development, and mentoring, we strive to address the material, intellectual, relational, and spiritual needs of the Kuki-Zo Christians experiencing overwhelming trials. Our goal is to make a meaningful difference in the lives of needy and suffering children by teaching and providing the hope and love available in Jesus Christ.
Our Initiatives

Education & Mentorship
Empowering Refugee Youth
Discipleship Classes & Bible Camps
Nurturing Spiritual Growth

Charitable Outreach
Providing Essential Aid

Make a Donation!
Please consider making a recurring donation by selecting "monthly" below. Monthly gifts will enable First Peter Ministries to develop budgets for the work in Manipur, with the goal of expanding our ministry to more refugee camps. Of the 80+ camps in Lamka, our tutoring and discipleship classes are only reaching kids at four different locations. Even $5/month is hugely impactful to help our teams on the ground budget for future expansion. God bless you.
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From the ministry leaders in Manipur:
"Thank you for remembering us."
1 Peter 4:8-10
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.